
Not Yet

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About Not Yet

Not Yet - this exemplifies the tenacity of a man who, despite his advanced age, is still energised, which is in keeping with the concept of the game.

In this pixel art boss rush, you'll need to draw on all the vigor your aging bones can muster to vanquish a number of malevolent spirits.

Show them that you still have the vitality of a young man by whirling your reliable cane around in front of them.

The challenge of each subsequent level will slowly increase. The instructions for how to play are not overly complicated.Locate the points of vulnerability possessed by the evil spirits, then eliminate them. Remember to pay attention to how much of the character's life is lost in each game level, as this is an extremely important aspect of the game.

There is a unique solution for each level. When you finally figure out how to triumph over the material world, only then can you call yourself an old man who is bold and courageous. Go ahead and don't be afraid


  • Navigate around with the arrow keys and jump with the WASD keys.
  • Left Control: Swing your cane around your left foot
  • Enter: Start/Restart

Tools used

  • The Unity 3D
  • Aseprite
  • FL Studio